Meet the Team

Fiona Goodbody, Project Manager

Who are you, and what do you do?

I’m the Publishers Inc 2016 Project Manager, coordinating the team and making sure we are all on board and getting things done on time. I am also doing some marketing mentoring, interviewing Alumni and getting stuck into the editorial design.

What is your publishing dream?

Working in a role where I get to help make sure that beautiful, unique indie magazines keep getting made and reaching the hands of appreciative readers.

When you’re not working on Publishers Inc, where can we find you?

Probably studying, socialising, working with Slow Food Edinburgh or running around Edinburgh exploring local cafes and reading magazines.

Kristen Wegrzyn, Editor In Chief

Who are you, and what do you do?

As Editor in Chief for Publishers Inc, I oversee content to assure it serves, entertains and engages our audience while they pursue and develop their professional publishing career. I also dabble a bit in design and production.

What is your publishing dream?

Prior to studying at Edinburgh Napier University and working on Publishers Inc, I was an associate editor at a small business media company in the U.S. where I focused on maintaining and developing several trade magazine brands in both the print and digital realms, as well as aiding with engagement and outreach at events. After completing my postgraduate degree in October 2016, I hope to work for a magazine publishing company in the UK that is committed to presenting content through inventive digital channels, but still finds value in traditional publishing routes.

When you’re not working on Publishers Inc, where can we find you?

I moved to Edinburgh from Chicago in August 2015, so much of my free time is still spent exploring all the greater Edinburgh area has to offer, including its rich history, and arts and culture scene. I try to nurture my creative side as much as possible with life drawing classes, painting, cross stitching, knitting and cooking. There’s also a lovely yoga studio across the street that I try to pop into once a week.

Laura Borrelli, Rights Manager and Digital Designer

Who are you, and what do you do?

An avid reader, trying to diversify my reading habits as much as possible. My role as Rights Manager entails making sure all our publications are carried out successfully, without any copyright infringement. The beauty of Publishers Inc as a project is that it allows us to work across multiple departments; apart from rights, I am also working on the layout as a digital designer and writer.

What is your publishing dream?

In a perfect world of rainbows and woolly jumpers, I would work to promote foreign literature and design art books.

When you’re not working on Publishers Inc, where can we find you?

Basking in the sun with my nose stuck to the pages of a novel, or visiting one of Edinburgh’s lovely art galleries. And usually either with a mugful of tea or a glassful of wine.

Nate A. Kunitskaya, Head of Marketing, Editor, and Digital Designer

Who are you, and what do you do?

I am a compulsive hoarder of books in possession of a library card.
Being an Editor, Digital Designer and head of Marketing entails doing a lot of writing and content editing; my focus is on the Diversity in Publishing and the Making Waves sections. The Digital Designer role is a front for what is essentially a battle between various softwares and myself. I will win, eventually. My role as head of Marketing means I am in charge of making sure Publishers Inc gets as many readers and as much attention as is possible.

What is your publishing dream?

Ideally I would like to work with Rights in the translated fiction market, pioneering international and diverse writing from all over the world. In a perfect world I set up a company that becomes a creative hub for translators, artists, editors, and authors world wide.

When you’re not working on Publishers Inc, where can we find you?

Curled up someplace cosy with a book on my lap. I spend most of my time between publishing projects, working as a bookseller and in the little spare time I have I translate essays and prose. When the Scottish weather gods are having a good day you can find me rambling about Cramond and Arthur’s Seat.

Lisa MacKenzie, Digital Designer, Editor, and Writer

Who are you, and what do you do?

Books are beautiful, and I love sitting down to spend an evening writing, but it has to be said that I am wonderfully, joyfully obsessed by etymology. Give me a glass of wine and half an hour and ask how the two meanings of the word pupil are related, how elastic bands and musical bands are linked, or how it was that the word silly came by its current meaning when its original was ‘holy,’ and I’ll be at my happiest.
However, in Publishers Inc I’ve got one foot planted firmly in a writing and editorial role, and the other poking tentatively into digital work.

What is your publishing dream?

They’ll progress as my career does, but right now I would really love to know all the ins and outs of InDesign; Creative Cloud is intimidating, but so worth the time and effort you put in trying to get to grips with it.

When you’re not working on Publishers Inc, where can we find you?

Bumbling around a foreign country with a backpack. Unless I’m short of funds at that moment in time, in which case I’ll be trying my best to improve my painfully slow cooking at home instead.

Kirsty Hunter, Digital Designer, Writer, and Marketing

Who are you, and what do you do?

I work mainly as a digital designer on Publishers Inc, trying to find interesting visual ways to present our content and keep our digital magazine both pretty and functional. I’m also contributing articles to the Creative Publishing section and helping spread the word about our brilliant magazine. I spend a lot of my time researching editorial design (read: drooling over gorgeous infographics) and can happily spend hours wrangling with Adobe InDesign till it obeys my will.

What is your publishing dream?

I’d love to work in design and production at a comics publisher like Drawn & Quarterly or Koyama Press, though after a couple of gins, I’ll confess that the dream would be to eventually start my own publishing house, producing well-designed graphic novels from diverse voices.

When you’re not working on Publishers Inc, where can we find you?

In the brief moments I don’t spend living and breathing Publishers Inc I can be found at BHP Comics in Glasgow, working as a production assistant on a lovely big art book about the culture of comics and doing general editorial busywork and events stuff for Glasgow Comic Con. I also make time for life drawing, trying to learn German and ruining parties with intense feminist discussions.
2015 Team
2014 Team

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